Saturday, November 12, 2005

let 'em learn

in the previous post, I explained how my girlfriend fell off a skateboard and ho nerve racking that was. Similarly is my friend Pete. Almost every new week holds a new infactuation for this kid. I mean that he likes a new girl. Not just like, he thinks she is his soulmate. Then the next week he convinces me that the previous week was a mistake. I love the kid. That is why I want to smack the kid in the head and shout, "what are you doing?" He's going to hurt someone. More importantly, he's going to hurt himself. However, his roommate, who I am closer with, assures me that the kids will learn. I ask when, and Jordan say sometime. This is my predicament: I hate to see people in pain or suffering. I want to tell them something to prevent hurt, but I must realize that experience is a lot more affective than words. I am scared of this when I become a father. I don't want to see my children in pain, but at the same time small children won't always take your word. For that matter, older children neither; teenagers. I think I might have to let the kid touch the stove. He won't get hurt too bad, and he won't do it again.

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