I've gotten into Christmas more this year than ever. The past few years I told myself I would really contemplate the true meaning of Christmas by by the third week of December I fell into the excitements of presents and stuff I'm getting.
I'm one of those people that likes to blast Christmas m
usic on the drive home from Thanksgiving, before it is even December. I've got every Christmas song released by Sufjan, Relient k, as well as a hefty collection of old school tunes (like Bing Crosby, Ella Fitgerald, Nat King Cole, Sinatra, Elvis, etc.), and some Charlie Brown representation.
We're at the start of week two, and all is calm, all is bright. I'm looking under my tree, seeing a dozen gifts wrapped in red and green paper. I'm fighting the urge to bend down and read who they are for, not to mention picking them up and shaking them. I've already been warned by my wife not to do that.
To me, Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth--the signification that God loves us so much that he gave up the perfection, purity, and awesomeness of heaven to come down here to chill with us. Big deal? Yes. Coming to earth, Jesus faced all the imperfections this world has to offer--sickness, hunger, tiredness, betrayal, temptation--in a word: sin.
Yet, he never screwed up. I screw up all the time. But he didn't. That's why I get to celebrate Christmas.