Monday, March 15, 2010

this pen is rrrrrrrrrrrrrroyal blue!

It's taken me almost two years in the "real world" to learn that some of the old schemes I used to use won't fly anymore. Back in school I was a major procrastinator; I mean major. Not only a procrastinator, but often times I didn't hand things in. That's how bad it was.

Some of those habits are following me. That's predominantly why I'm blogging now; because I'm procrastinating in something else.

A lesson that I often get faced with but haven't learned yet is the fact that problems and issues are internal; external changes won't solve them. If you have a lying problem, moving out of state will not fix said problem. It will still be there.

I'm too stubborn to learn this lesson. The deeper I dig myself, the more I deny this problem.